Monday, September 21, 2015

Coming to the End...

Long time no post, huh?

Things are busy here in Tennessee-- Peter is teaching, I'm teaching, I'm doing a show, Pete is working on the house. Lukie is turning into a two-year-old. And I mean, seriously, it's like it happened overnight, but we have a two-year-old on our hands.

I think I'm coming to the end of this blog. Lukie is growing up...he's almost a teenager some days, I swear. He's this beautiful creature who brings me all the joy and frustrates me all at once. He finds things funny and likes to sneak up on us and stacks all of the cans in the pantry. All this to say that he's so undeniably person-like these days that I'm becoming less willing to share every movement he makes.

Ultimately, this blog was about sharing the earliest days of his life. We used it to keep in touch with family that lives far away and to chronicle all the little moments that make early childhood so special. It was a way to share the exciting experience of becoming new parents with the people we thought might care about our experiences. But with real personhood comes a right to decide what we share, and a need to control his digital footprint, so Lukie's blog is going to get printed out (on real paper) and saved and treasured until he can read it and see how much he changed our lives for the better.

So for our last photo update, here are some pictures of my beautiful big boy watering the sweet potato vines. Or trying to. There's a good chance he was watering his feet.

Same thing, right?

Thanks for following us and Lukie for two years. I'll still be posting occasional updates on that beautiful boy above on Facebook.

And one last word, before I go-- I am not finished with blogging. In fact, I've begun building a new one already. We're still working on our house, so now is as good a time as any to put up the link to my new blog, Anything Worth Doing. We're going to continue writing about our efforts to respectfully maintain and renovate our 1900 home. It won't have as many family stories, very few if any full-face photos of Lukie, and may someday become something of a business venture...but right now, it's just a way to chronicle the work we do on this sweet old lady in Tennessee. Please feel free to share with anyone you know who is interested in home maintenance, historic homes, or "makers".

Thanks, everybody. It's been wonderful to share my little boy with you. 

Friday, August 7, 2015

Crazy Days of Summer

Oh, my goodness, how did that happen? It's been almost a month since my last post!

This one will, of necessity, be mostly pictures. Lukie turned two, we dorked around for a couple weeks, and then, we spent 2.5 weeks in Illinois! Most of the Illinois pictures were taken with an iPhone, so please excuse the graininess, but we were out and about moving and that meant I just didn't have time to grab my camera very often!

First, Lukie's two-year-old photos. I expect by the next time I take photos, it'll be a little easier to keep him still. Right now, though, not so much.

He's also really into hats right now. He requests a hat every morning by pointing to his head, and then when we put it on, he rearranges it by pulling it almost over his eyes and cocking it to the right. If we take it off, this happens:

...until we put it back on.

House work also continues. I've been working on painting the hallway. It was a nasty color of peachy-beige, which I lovingly referred to as "soul sucking burnt flesh," maybe a little over-dramatic but still fairly accurate. I've been painting it a nice clean white, and I have to say, I love the results.

The white color brings out the woodwork so nicely, and it bounces light around like a light trampoline. It's so much cleaner looking!

Finally, we went to Illinois for 2.5 weeks. It was a long but thoroughly enjoyable trip. First, Lukie had a birthday party at MoMo's house.

He is certainly not confused about what to do when a flaming cake is brought to him. We had to hold him back until we could finish singing.

His cousin Mindy, who has four girls and two nieces and has been waiting forever to buy a birthday present for a little boy, got him a Despicable Me fart gun. It was a hit (maybe more with MoMo even than with Lukie, but Lukie loved it, too).

And he played with his cousins Phoebe and Avery in the swimming pool. The game consisted mainly of jumping into the pool, getting out, running halfway across the yard, running back to the pool, jumping in, and repeating the process for 45 minutes. Where do they get the energy? (Sorry for the iPhone photos.)

Then we went north for a week to see Peter's family in Hinckley, IL. Grandma Cindy threw Lukie a second birthday party.

And Lukie ran around like a crazy person with his cousin Roland (and his other 7 cousins--- the 8th joined us a week later).

After a week in Hinckley, Peter went to Canada with his best friend for a fishing trip and I took Lukie back to my folks' place for 8 days. We had lots of fun.

Fun included Lukie's first trip to Jarlings, a Chambana staple for decades.

That was the gist of our summer trip. We had lots of fun, but as usual, we are also glad to be home among our stuff and in our house with our dogs and bed. We always miss Illinois, though! We are Midwesterners through and through and the whole region feels like home. See you at Christmas, IL!

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Happy Julyfest!

Happy Julyfest, everybody! 

What is Julyfest, you may ask? Only the most important month-long holiday on the calendar. Pete started Julyfest right before we started dating in order to impress me (I really don't know how that was supposed to work?) because we both have birthdays in July. When Lukie's due date was figured, we really, really hoped he'd make it all the way to July. When July 1 rolled around, I told him he was free and clear to make his entrance into the world because now, the whole family could celebrate Julyfest. I don't know what will happen if we ever have a second child...

All of this to say that, you guys, Lukas is TWO. It happened last Friday. He went to bed on Thursday night not two, and woke up on Friday morning TWO.

The problem, really, was that he also went to bed sick on Thursday he was kinda punky on his birthday. Yup, my kid got a cold on his birthday. On July 3rd. The season of no colds. He wasn't the only one, either. The rest of the daycare has been getting it. Pete had it. I have now had it. WHO GETS SICK IN FRIGGIN' JULY???

We do.

Anyway, didn't stop us from eating cake.

Now, I don't really do cake. I bake a cake maybe once per year. That's a big maybe. The thing is, pie>cake. At all times and in all situations. We had pie at our wedding reception for gosh sakes. So, given the option, I will choose to bake a pie. I did, actually, just this morning.

But birthdays require cake, and birthday cake requires frosting (not all cake requires frosting, though- Pete actually prefers his cake without frosting, which is just one of his many opinions on EVERYTHING).

So, I made a vanilla cake (because Lukas doesn't like brown foods, even if they are chocolate ice cream and/or chocolate cake) and made blue frosting (because Lukie doesn't communicate yet what his favorite color is, so he gets my favorite color for frosting). Pete told me I should smear the frosting on the wall, it was so close to my favorite color. DON'T MIND IF I DO, PETER NOLL!!!

Anyway, we ate cake on Friday night, just the three of us. Lukie will have a big birthday party at Momo's house in a week and a half.

Sniffing the cake (above). Everything gets sniffed in our house before he puts it in his mouth. Only, he doesn't understand what sniffing is. He's actually blowing OUT of his nose instead of sniffing IN.

After eating cake, we spent a low-key weekend getting over our colds and working on house projects. There have been more more more house projects.

First, I've been agonizing over painting the living room (please ignore the literally-falling-apart Craigslist will be replaced shortly but I'm not going into debt over a couch, so we have to save up). I've been labelled a lover of gray by both Peter and my mother, who likes to ask me which color of gray I plan on painting (---insert anything here---), so I thought I'd go with a nice gray-ish blue in the living room. I tested three different colors, picked the best one, and started painting. With a brush. Because painting plank walls with a roller doesn't REALLY work very well.

That's just one wall. The others are done now. I haven't decided what to do because I kind of don't love it and wish I had just gone with gray. Figures. We'll see if I can learn to love it (especially after buying a new rug, but who knows when that will happen) or if, someday soon, I find myself inexplicably standing on a stepladder holding a paintbrush slathered in gray paint. Or white paint. but probably not blue paint.

Pete has also finished the doors on the bottom of the built-in cabinet in the dining room. They are currently painted, but now need re-painted since he fixed the planing on one of the panels. Next step is making glass doors for the top two shelves. And possibly painting the inside of those shelves a different blue. Because I'm not sure I like that color either. But it won't be grey. Promise (she says while crossing her fingers behind her back).

For the last three years, our mailbox has been bare wood and messy paint. I fixed that last week. I'm going to landscape it next year, but with that being kind of icky soil, I want to wait until the spring to get some things in there so they have a better chance of establishing roots and making it through the winter.

Oh, and Pete is ripping apart the porch.

See, we have a nice big porch on the front of our house. It's the defining architectural feature on that side of the house. Buuuut, the posts and rails were built out of untreated lumber and never planed for shedding water. Which means that there is some serious rot on a porch that's less than ten years old. It's been giving Peter serious anxiety for about two years, so this week, he started knocking it down and building it back up.

That's a good thing because, as it turns out, the posts are approximately half rotted. Who knew, right? Not really what you want SUPPORTING THE WEIGHT OF THE PORCH ROOF. Oy.

So look forward to more updates on that...

Lastly, Pete and I did our birthday shopping for each other. Our birthdays aren't until the 12th (mine) and the 20th (his), but we found ourselves with some open space on the calendar last week, and we both kind of knew what we wanted for our birthdays. Coincidentally, both of our gift choices were available in antique for two days last week, we went antiquing.

Pete wanted a giant wooden screw that he had seen in the Greeneville Antique Market approximately a year ago. He negotiated the price down eight whole dollars and I bought it for him for his workbench. It was dirty and gross, but he proudly paraded it around the Chinese restaurant, where we saw a former student of his. Then he came home and cleaned it.

I wanted a white stoneware pitcher for my new dining room cabinet. I was willing to buy new if it was the only way to get a decent price on one, but really preferred antique if I could find it. I didn't necessarily need it to be the most ornate or beautiful one out there; in fact, I preferred simple but heavy. After going to Kingsport, TN looking, we finally found one and it was on sale. Score!

We think this is a lovely birthday tradition and saves us both the hassle of figuring out a gift. Plus, it combines birthday shopping with Date Day, which is nice.

Oh, and I couldn't resist this little apothecary bottle when I saw that it was from Monticello, IL, which is near my hometown. So that came home with us, too, for $3. It's got a chip in it, but I don't care. I like to put flowers in them, and they're one of very few doo-dad type things that I like. I now have a whopping TWO apothecary bottles in my collection.